Welcome to the Advisor Toolkit homepage! Thank you to our Chapter Advisors and their service to this Fraternity. This toolkit is designed to equip Advisors with the tools and documents necessary to help the chapters be compliant with the requirements of the fraternity, be competitive for the Thurston Cup, and achieve success. The content of this toolkit is organized according to the Phi Delta Chi Chapter Standards. The standards can be utilized as a guide in preparing for chapter retreats to assist officers in staying the course through the arduous task of setting its agenda. The standards may also lend support in delineating necessary chapter committees to enable the chapter to carry out its work. Chapter Standards were created to provide a common basis of comparison for performance improvement. Chapters perform self-evaluations annually based on these standards which are often used during chapter visits constructed by the National Office. Additional information, tools, and resources may be available through the respective Regional Directors for Collegiate Affairs (RDCA).
Chapter Standard A: Chapter Image and Efficiency
Chapter Standard B: Chapter Focus and Organization
Chapter Standard C: Membership
Chapter Standard D: Scholastics