Chapter Standard C


Description: The Chapter shall have sufficient Brothers with appropriate leadership skills to carry out activities expected of all Phi Delta Chi Chapters. Implicit in this standard is the need for sound membership recruitment and membership development (candidacy) activities.


Role of Advisors in Membership:

  • Advisors are encouraged to attend any recruitment or other events that the chapter hosts

  • Advisor involvement can encourage more involvement from the Chapter

  • Advisors are encouraged to act as a mediator during conflict and provide a safe place for sensitive discussions to occur



Potential candidates may ask for your take on joining Phi Delta Chi.  A Benefits of Joining Phi Delta Chi document is available on the website.  Additionally, your Chapter may ask for advice on recruitment.  A Recruitment Presentation is also available on the National website.  However, Chapters are encouraged to modify this presentation or develop a new presentation which is specific to that Chapter’s operations, members, events, school guidelines, etc.  Additional recruitment materials and a Frequently Asked Questions document can be found in our Resource Library (sign in to view).


Member Retention

  • All Phi Delta Chi members are expected to pay National Operating Dues annually.  A National Operating Dues FAQ document is available on the website. 

  • Encouraging Collegiate and Alumni Brothers to attend events can help with member retention.  See the Alumni Standard for more advice on engaging Alumni Brothers.

  • Team Building is a great tool for member retention.  Chapter Retreats are a good time to incorporate team building.  Please see the Retreat Guide for more information. Additionally, many PDC workshops are available to promote teambuilding.  Please contact your Regional Director for Collegiate Affairs  for more information.

    • Addressing conflict within the Brotherhood can be a daunting task for Advisors. The Regional Directors for Collegiate Affairs (RDCAs) are always available to assist with conflict resolution.  The Advisor’s role is to oversee conflict and work as a mediator. It is important to allow students to work through their conflicts as a learning experience.  Advisors should refrain from “choosing sides.” Please reach out to your RDCA  for workshops that may be used to address conflict and encourage Chapters to work as a team.

  • Engaging students on rotations can be difficult due to the nature of the final year of the pharmacy curriculum.  To assist with member retention, the Collegiate Brothers may consider reducing APPE student dues to only the amount required by the National Office or some other reduced amount as deemed appropriate per the Chapter.  Additionally, Advisors can encourage their students to organize graduation events to promote member retention as Collegiate Brothers cross to Alumni Status.


Brother Status

It is important to note that there are different types of membership within the Fraternity including collegiate, alumni, suspended, expelled, etc. Please refer here for more information. Please be sure to contact your RDCA for any questions in classification or procedures.