Chapter Standard D


Description: The Chapter should enhance and recognize scholastic achievement by its Brothers from the time of candidacy through graduation. This may include academic support (tutoring, study groups), financial support, and scholastic recognition(s).


Advisors can be involved in helping Brothers succeed in scholastic endeavors.  Tools which may be useful include:

  • This Tips for Excelling Scholastically document may be useful to communicate to the Chapter as a whole or with struggling students.

  • An award for scholastic excellence could be created to reward Brothers who excel in their studies.  Such an award could be given at the final meeting of the semester, at an awards banquet, or in another forum.

  • Examples for promoting and recognizing  scholastic achievement may be found in the Prescott Scholarship Report winners here.


While the candidacy period incorporates ample study time for Candidates, Advisors may encourage Brothers to also set up study hours to promote scholastic excellence within the Fraternity.


Advisors must ensure they conform with University policies and procedures related to the dissemination and sharing of study materials and old exams. If these actions are prohibited on the University or College level, Advisors must be diligent in communicating this information and promoting an environment free of academic dishonesty.