Description: The Chapter should maintain good communications with all members of the school’s faculty and administration, especially with those members who are Phi Delta Chi Brothers. From the Phi Delta Chi faculty, one or more Chapter Advisors should be selected to provide regular advice on chapter policies and activities. The Chapter should invite appropriate non-Phi Delta Chi faculty to become a Graduate or Honorary Brothers of Phi Delta Chi.
Additionally, Advisors should consider sending the Chapter Publication and other documents that highlight the notable achievements of the Chapter to key Faculty, Administration (e.g. the Dean and Dean of Student Affairs), and the Student Affairs department at the University or College. Many key personnel within pharmacy school will be more likely to learn about the Fraternity’s achievements if the email is sent by a Faculty member rather than a student. Additionally, highlighting the impact Phi Delta Chi makes on the community may have added benefits, such as increasing the funding pool for future projects and meetings.
Graduate Brother
An individual is eligible for membership as a Graduate Brother if they did not join a fraternity as a student, and they are engaged in the pharmacy profession or its allied fields. An eligible individual may become a graduate Brother by a simple majority vote of the collegiate Chapter with approval of a corresponding alumni Chapter, where it exists. Alternately, an individual may be accepted by a simple majority vote of an organized alumni Chapter with approval of a corresponding collegiate Chapter, where it exists. Following acceptance, an individual is admitted into the Brotherhood following initiation according to Fraternity Ritual, acceptance of the fraternal Constitution and Bylaws and payment of the initiation fee. This category includes, but is not limited to, faculty, practicing pharmacists, people working in the profession of pharmacy (non-pharmacists), and graduate students.
Honorary Brother
Membership as an Honorary Brother is a special category of membership. This category is reserved for honoring individuals who have distinguished themselves in the profession of pharmacy (i.e. deans of schools of pharmacy). These individuals are permitted to hold membership in another pharmacy fraternity. Honorary Brothers are exempt from financial obligations and are not permitted to vote on chapter business. The collegiate Chapter must agree by an affirmative ¾ collegiate vote. The request is then forwarded to the National Office for Executive Council consideration. Honorary Brother candidates must receive a majority vote of the Executive Council to be granted membership in the collegiate Chapter submitting the nomination. The Executive Council will inform the collegiate Chapter of its decision and membership status recommendation. The collegiate Chapter assumes responsibility for the nominee’s initiation fee.