Community Service
Phi Delta Chi is a professional pharmacy fraternity that offers many opportunities for Brothers to serve the community, whether through hosting health fairs, raising money for the fraternity’s philanthropic organization St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, or other endeavors. Phi Delta Chi Brothers protect the professional image of the Fraternity through the numerous professional and service projects held throughout the year. Advisors are encouraged to serve as preceptors at community health fairs and can mentor students in creating health fairs. Please be sure to reach out to the respective office with your program for assistance in organizing health fairs. Regional Officers may also be of service which their contact information is available here.
Examples of winning Professional & Service Projects Reports
St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital
Phi Delta Chi has served St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital as our primary philanthropy since 1995. The support Phi Delta Chi has provided to St. Jude are described on our website. Your Chapter can help raise money for St. Jude in many ways. Some examples include:
Collecting donations through the Letter Writing Campaign called The Prescription for Hope
Collecting donations at various events
Registering for and raising money for St. Jude Walks and Runs
Hosting social events with an entry fee
Chapter Publications
Each year, all Chapters are responsible for submitting a Chapter Publication to the National Office as part of the May Achievement Award Program (AAP) Report. The purpose of the Chapter Publication is to detail the Chapter’s operations and accomplishments over the course of the year. The Worthy Alumni Liaison is generally charged with this task, unless a specific chair or committee is delegated the work. Upon completion of the publication, it may be printed (commercially or within the Chapter or school) and mailed to chapter associated individuals including collegiate and alumni brothers, and shared electronically to Regional and National Officers by the end of May each year.
For additional information on the Chapter publication, and how to create an award winning publication, please click here.
Advisor Attendance at Fraternity Meetings
Attendance at Chapter meetings is an important aspect of being an Advisor. This provides the Advisor face time with each of the members, allows the Advisor to be fully informed of chapter activities, and also serves to build the morale of the Fraternity, as seeing/interacting with the Advisor at meetings is highly appreciated. Additionally, this helps the Advisor with dissemination of short-term/long-term goals for the Chapter in an open forum to all its members. Chapter Advisors should attend Chapter meetings, officer meetings, and-if possible, regional and national meetings.
Attendance at Regional and National meetings is also crucial. As per Phi Delta Chi Constitution & Bylaws, Article 5, Section 6, “Any Chapter failing to be represented by a collegiate Delegate in at least one Grand Council, one Regional Conference, and one Leader-Development Seminar within a 4-year fraternity cycle may be declared inactive and its charter forfeited and vacated.” With this in mind, it may be useful to approach your individual University’s administration, to seek funding for a student to travel and represent your Chapter. It is highly encouraged that Advisors attend these meetings as well.
Social Media
Social media can be an effective tool for recruitment and information dissemination within the chapter. However, Brothers must maintain a professional presence on all social media accounts. For guidance on social media use, please click here.