The Regional Director for Collegiate Affairs (RDCA) works with the Regional Correspondent (RC), the Regional Director for Alumni Affairs (RDAA), and the Regional Director for Communications (RDC) to manage the activities of the defined fraternal geographical area. The RDCA provides an alumnus perspective to the RC collegiate perspective, enhancing the collaborative process to support chapter needs. The RDCA serves as a conduit between the collegiate chapters, Chapter Advisors, and the Fraternity.
The Grand Vice President for Collegiate Affairs (GVPCA) advises and supports the RDCA. Goals, objectives, action plans, and assessment criteria are established by the regional team with guidance from the Executive Council at the beginning of the term enabling the RDCA to effectively execute action items from strategic planning.
Qualifications to serve as a RDCA include membership as a graduate or alumnus Brother and good standing within the Fraternity. RDCAs are appointed by the Executive Council for 2 years with reappointment at the discretion of the Executive Council. RDCAs are expected to attend the Regional Conference and Grand Councils. Attendance at Leader-Development Seminars is encouraged.
The RDCA will collaborate with the RC, RDAA and the RDC to identify and meet the needs of the region, as well as communicate regularly with one another. This team will assess the needs of the collegiate chapters and provide a comprehensive report to the Executive Council as requested.
Regional Conferences
Suggest programming content for consideration by the Executive Council
Assist the RC with Regional Conference planning and promotion
Advise the WCC and Chapter Advisors on financial strategies to assure attendance of collegiate Brothers
During the meeting, the RDCA serves as a facilitator, assists with chapter networking, conducts chapter interviews, chairs the collegiate policy-development committee, and serves as either Parliamentarian or the recording secretary for the business meeting.
Submit the meeting minutes to the Executive Director
Collegiate Affairs
Advise and support the collegiate Chapter Advisors
Promote Brother education that integrates the mission, vision, and values of the Fraternity, imparting life-long obligations to each Brother
Ensure chapters plan and hold a chapter retreat
Review each chapter’s self-evaluation report from the Achievement Award Program
Implement and monitor strategies for resolving accounts receivable
Solicit Chapter Advisor support for resolving accounts receivable balances
Provide fundraising suggestions to chapters
Ensure the Risk Management Policy is reviewed and signed at each chapter
Immediately report violations of the Risk Management Policy to the Executive Director
Promote awareness and adherence to Phi Delta Chi policies and procedures
Fraternity Expansion
Implement strategies for establishing new collegiate chapters
Implement strategies for resurrecting inactive collegiate chapters
Identify local alumni Brothers to support core collegiate groups seeking charters
Additional Responsibilities
Judge the Prescott Scholarship reports
Document calls, maintain call reports, and upload copy of call report to the Google Drive
Promote attendance at local and national professional pharmacy conferences
Encourage participation in informal PDC gatherings at other pharmacy conferences (i.e. ASHP Midyear, APhA Annual Meeting)
Conduct Chapter Excellence and Quality (ChEQ) visits, serve as team member or leader, and conduct follow-up actions to resolve deficiencies
Other duties as assigned by the GVPCA
Serve as the advisor to your successor
The Regional Director for Alumni Affairs (RDAA) works with the Regional Correspondent (RC), the Regional Director for Collegiate Affairs (RDCA), and the Regional Director for Communications (RDC) to manage the activities of the defined fraternal geographical area. The RDAA provides an alumnus perspective, thus enhancing the collaborative process to support local alumni; as well as, supporting the needs of both collegiate and alumni chapters. The RDAA serves as a conduit between the collegiate chapters, alumni chapters, and the Fraternity. Additionally, an RDAA serves to introduce the collegiate Brother to alumni topics, to allow the collegiate Brother to begin to consider alumni concerns in preparation for the transition to alumni status that will eventually occur. A socialized collegiate will be better prepared to fulfill his or her alumni obligation, understanding the expectation ahead of time.
The RDAA works with alumni of the region to provide support and advice regarding continued participation in the Fraternity. The RDAA assists alumni Brothers to establish and maintain organized, formal alumni chapters wherever a core group of interested individuals exists. The RDAA supports alumni Brother needs and advocates the development, implementation and review of programming geared towards them
The Grand Vice President for Alumni Affairs (GVPAA) advises and supports the RDAA. Goals, objectives, action plans, and assessment criteria are established, with guidance from the Executive Council, at the beginning of the term enabling the RDAA to effectively execute alumni focused goals and programming.
Qualifications to serve as a RDAA include membership as a graduate or alumnus Brother and good standing within the Fraternity. RDAAs are appointed by the Executive Council for 2 years with reappointment at the discretion of the Executive Council. RDAAs are expected to attend the Regional Conference and Grand Councils. Attendance at Leader-Development Seminars is encouraged.
Overarching goal for RDAA: Facilitate communications between alumni chapters and all alumni not belonging to an alumni chapter. In other words superimpose the function of the RC to alumni and make sure that alumni chapters have a structure. Also make sure that alumni chapters are following the Alumni Foundations Program (AFP) standards.
Function, Responsibilities and Tasks
Job Description
The RDAA is an appointed position selected by the Executive Council that will serve a 2 year term. The RDAA will serve as a liaison between alumni chapters, the National Office, and Grand Officers. Because Phi Delta Chi alumni chapters span the country, it is necessary to have an officer who can act as the link for information between the National Office and the alumni chapters.
At the same time, the RDAA must serve as a motivator and repository for information that can be easily accessed by chapters. The RDAA also works to increase participation in regional and national Phi Delta Chi events and works to encourage chapters to attain 100% in Alumni Foundations Program. Because the RDAA is at the focal point of activity and information, it is imperative that the RDAA be able to communicate progress, problems, and needs to other Regional Officers.
RDAAs are expected to attend Regional Conferences and Grand Councils and their attendance at Leader-Development Seminars is encouraged.
Will handle the submission of the reports of alumni chapters and make sure that they get published as a template to aid the formation of future alumni Chapters. The RDAA will use these reports as a way to facilitate the exchange of ideas between chapters. Posting a regional calendar and making it accessible on the PDC website.
Responsible for the grading of the Alumni Professional Development Scholarships and make sure to encourage alumni applications.
Regional Team
Collaborate with the RC, RDCA and RDC to identify and meet the needs of the region.
Communicate regularly with the RC, RDCA and RDC.
Provide problem-solving expertise to the RC.
Promote alumni education to prepare collegiate Brothers for transition to alumni status.
Inform the team regarding alumni activities in the region.
Fraternity Expansion
Implement strategies for establishing new alumni chapters.
Implement strategies for resurrecting inactive or inefficient alumni chapters.
Identify local alumni Brothers to support the core collegiate group seeking collegiate charters.
Alumni Foundation Program
Collaborate with the Project Director for Alumni Relations (PDAR) to help identify the needs of our alumni chapters.
Disseminate information regarding the program.
Encourage formal alumni chapters to utilize this tool.
Serve as judges for the reports submitted as directed by the GVPAA.
Facilitate communication between Worthy Alumni Liaisons, local alumni and the Grand Officers
Maintain a communication journal to document the chapter’s activities.
Communicate progress of alumni activities to other chapters, other regional teams, and the Executive Council.
Regional Conference Meeting
Suggest programming content for consideration by the Executive Council.
Assist RC with Regional Conference planning and promotion.
Facilitate Regional Conference workshops as necessary.
Work with the host WAL to provide alumni programming, if possible.
Recruit local alumni Brothers to serve as facilitators or speakers.
Encourage local alumni Brothers to attend.
Chapter Visits
Participate in chapter activities as requested by the chapters (recruitment functions, initiation, service projects), when possible.
Deploy identified alumni to participate in chapter activities as requested by chapters (recruitment functions, Initiation, service projects), when possible.
Conduct Chapter Excellence and Quality (ChEQ) and Focus visits, serve as team member, and conduct follow-up actions to resolve deficiencies.
Additional Responsibilities
Participate in monthly Alumni Affairs Team (PDAR, GVPAA, and fellow RDAAs) conference calls/meetings.
Collaborate with the Alumni Affairs Team to meet the needs of the organization’s alumni membership.
Participate in other policy-development activities as requested by the Grand President.
Promote and attend Grand Council, Leader-Development Seminar and officer training retreats.
Promote attendance at the Albert B. Prescott Leadership Address.
Encourage participation in informal Phi Delta Chi gatherings at other organized meetings.
Participate in Thurston Cup judging.
Attend chapter chartering ceremonies or chapter reactivation events (collegiate and alumni chapters) when possible.
The role of the Regional Correspondent (RC) is a liaison between chapters, the National Office, and Grand Officers. Because Phi Delta Chi chapters span the country, it is necessary to have an officer who can act as the link for information between the National Office and the chapters. It is the duty of the Regional Correspondent to aid collegiate chapters with professional projects, fundraising, membership recruitment, participation in the Achievement Award Program, attendance at Fraternity meetings, and to offer other assistance as needed. At the same time, the RC must serve as a motivator and repository for information that can be easily accessed by chapters. The RC must serve to keep chapters moving in a positive direction and adhering to policies, procedures and goals set by the Grand Council, National Office, and Grand Officers. In every aspect, the RC is part of a larger team because the RC is at the focal point of activity and information, it is key that they can communicate progress, problems, and needs to other team members.
The Grand Vice President of Student Affairs (GVPSA) will oversee the RCs. Overall, the GVPSA will serve as the link between the RCs and the Executive Council. Without the adequate provision of information from the RCs, it is virtually impossible for the Grand Officers of the Fraternity to move the Fraternity in the appropriate direction and act when problems arise. Lastly, the Executive Director will be a major resource for each RC. The ED can provide a wide range of services and resources. The RC should be clear as to what is available from the Executive Director and all Grand and Regional Officers.
Qualifications to serve as an RC include: Candidates for the office of Regional Correspondent shall be in good academic standing and shall have at least one academic year remaining as a collegiate Brother at a school of pharmacy within the region.
Functions, Responsibilities, and Tasks
Regional Team
The RC will collaborate with the RDCA, the RDAA, and the RDC to identify and meet the needs of the region, as well as communicate regularly with one another. This team will assess the needs of the collegiate chapters and provide a comprehensive report to the Executive Council as requested.
Regional Conferences
Assist host chapter and regional team with coordinating Regional Conference.
Call meetings of the Regional Conference to order at the appointed time
Preside over meetings
Act as executive officer of the region in collaboration with RDCA, RDAA, and RDC
Present to the Regional Conference a report with recommendations, covering the proceedings and acts of the term
Achievement Award Program (AAP)
Promote Brother education that integrates the mission, vision, and values of the Fraternity, imparting life-long obligations to each Brother
Educate newly elected Worthy Correspondents (WCs) on the importance of the AAP and answer questions regarding successful participation.
Promote, support, and motivate chapters to participate.
Motivate and instruct chapters to turn in quality reports in aspiration of receiving the Thurston Cup. The AAP is key to chapters' communication with the National Office, and therefore is a key function of the RC position.
Ensure chapters plan and hold a chapter retreat
Review each chapter’s self-evaluation report from the Achievement Award Program
Solicit Chapter Advisor support for chapters
Provide fundraising suggestions to chapters
Ensure the Risk Management Policy is reviewed and signed at each chapter
Judge the Prescott Scholarship reports
Standardize and Implement Policy and Procedure
Ensure chapters are clear as to the policies and procedures (P&P) of the Fraternity.
Be versed in the P&P and know how to find answers quickly.
Help the National Office implement new policies and procedures and update old ones.
Communicate with chapters who are failing to follow correct P&P, assist in remedying the situation.
Seek to standardize chapters in their region and aspire to work with other RCs to nationally standardize the way the Fraternity operates.
Immediately report violations of the Risk Management Policy to the Executive Director.
Promote awareness and adherence to Phi Delta Chi policies and procedures.
Inter-Chapter Communications
Inter-chapter is analogous to inter-region. The best way for chapters to grow, functionally and in Brotherhood, is for them to see how strong successful chapters operate.
Facilitate communication between chapters.
Share ideas between chapters in monthly phone conversations, start a regional listserv or web page, encourage chapters to visit each other, and make sure chapters talk with “Buddy Chapters.”
Encourage chapters to submit material for The Communicator.
Communicate with other RCs regularly to share ideas. It is expected that the eight RCs work as a team to achieve successful inter-chapter and inter-regional communication.
Chapter Participation in Grand Councils, Leader-Development Seminars, and Regional Conferences
Advocate for all regional and national meetings.
Encourage chapters to attend meetings to meet Brothers from other chapters.
Constant chapter communication to regularly promote the meetings.
Assist chapters to develop action plans so that they achieve maximum attendance.
Additional Responsibilities
Document calls, maintain call reports, and upload copy of call report to the Google Drive.
Promote attendance at local and national professional pharmacy conferences.
Encourage participation in informal PDC gatherings at other pharmacy conferences (i.e. ASHP Midyear, APhA Annual Meeting).
Conduct Chapter Excellence and Quality (ChEQ) visits, serve as team member or leader, and conduct follow-up actions to resolve deficiencies.
Other duties as assigned by the GVPSA.
Serve as the advisor to your successor.
Attend chapter chartering ceremonies or chapter reactivation events (collegiate and alumni chapters) when possible.
Assist Grand Officers and others in the Fraternity on projects or serving on committees or teams.
Becoming A Candidate for Regional Office
Applications for elected or appointed Regional Office positions should be completed and submitted to the Executive Director prior to Grand Council. Regional Correspondents also get elected at Regional Conferences and applications must be submitted prior to these meetings. All RDCA and RDAA applications must be submitted prior to the closing session of Grand Council in order to be reviewed during the post-Grand Council meeting of the newly elected Executive Council. Regional Correspondents should submit applications prior to opening session of Grand Council and by the Friday of Regional Conferences in order to undergo a meeting with the Regional Nominations Committee, and to provide a short statement during Regional Caucus at Grand Council or during the business session of Regional Conferences prior to the election occurring.