Grand Past President

About This Office

The office of the Grand Past President is occupied by the retiring Grand President until that person’s successor shall qualify. The Grand Past President shall provide counsel and assistance to the Grand President and other Fraternity officers and represent the Fraternity on the Board of Directors of the Pharmacy Leadership & Education Institute.

Andrea Bourque, PharmD

Andrea was initiated into the Rho Chapter, University of Oklahoma Health Science Center, within the Southcentral Region in 2007. She very quickly became active and involved; serving on various committees, serving as the Worthy Master-At-Arms, and finally as Worthy Vice Counselor.

In 2009, during her first trip to a Grand Council; an event happened that would forever change her life. During that Grand Council in Phoenix, Andrea met her future husband, Jason Hollingworth (Beta Rho). Upon graduation in 2011, the couple moved back to Andrea’s home town of Lafayette, LA where she took over as the clinical pharmacist focusing specifically on hospice and palliative care for four years.

From 2013 to 2015 Andrea served as the Southcentral Regional Director for Alumni Affairs, supporting our chapters and alumni in the region. After working within the Southcentral Region, Andrea realized that Phi Delta Chi had quickly become her passion and that she wanted to make a difference. During her two terms as Grand Vice President for Alumni Affairs (2015-2019), Andrea realized that there were no policies to help guide Alumni Chapters and there were no rules that tell you how to be an alumnus. Following her two terms as GVPAA she was elected as Grand President. She served as Grand President for two terms from 2019-2023. During this term her greatest accomplishments were creating an endowment for Phi Delta Chi's Award Recognition and helping to stabilize our organization through COVID-19.

Currently, Andrea is working as the General Manager for an independent pharmacy organization that has community pharmacy locations in Louisiana, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Texas, Florida, and Illinois. Her passions include traveling, puzzles, and spending time with her family.

Andrea’s passion for the Brotherhood has been seen and hopes to continue to transfer that passion and enthusiasm to all Brothers. If there is anything that Andrea would like for you to remember it would be that the Crowning Glory is to serve and she is but a trusted servant to all Brothers. Finally, as a Phi Delta Chi alumnus, we have the power to positively influence others and to ultimately preserve our Brotherhood. Let us focus on inspiring our future Alumni and preserving the excellence that is Phi Delta Chi!!!

Contact Information:

Grand Past President
Andrea Bourque