Alumni Chapters

Chapter Based
Chapter NameRegion
LocationEmail Address
University of Wisconsin 
Massachusetts College of Pharmacy
University of Minnesota 
University of Southern California
Drake University
Memphis Tennessee
Alpha ThetaE
Albany College of Pharmacy
Alpha IotaSE
University of Georgia
Alpha SigmaMW
University of Illinois at Chicago / Chicago Metropolitan Area
Alpha PsiW
University of the Pacific, Stockton CA
Beta AlphaE
Saint John’s University
Beta DeltaMW
St. Louis College of Pharmacy
Beta NuE
Rutgers University
Beta Chi
Northeastern University



Region Based Alumni Chapter
Chapter NameRegionLocationEmail Address
Arizona Alumni Association, Est. 2019 (AAAE Chapter)W
The alumni chapter for Arizona is a statewide chapter established to connect alumni who reside in the state of AZ or attended an AZ school of pharmacy.
Finger Lakes Alumni ChapterE

Any former collegiate Brother of Phi Delta Chi who graduated from, lives in, works in, or frequently visits the Finger Lakes & Central New York regions
Greater Washington DC Area Alumni ChapterE
Washington DC area 
Hawai’i Alumni ChapterW
Any former collegiate Brother of Phi Delta Chi who lives in, works in, frequently visits the Greater Hawai’i area, or attended the Daniel K. Inouye College of Pharmacy at the University of Hawai’i at Hilo
Indiana Alumni ChapterMW
Any Brother of Phi Delta Chi who has graduated from an Indiana Chapter, or any alumni of Phi Delta Chi who currently resides in the state of Indiana.
Michigan Alumni ChapterMW
Michigan Area
Phi Delta Chi New York City Alumni ChapterE
New York City- Metroplex area
Pacific Northwest Alumni ChapterW
Pacific Northwest
Texas Alumni ChapterSC
Brothers residing in the state of Texas and Brothers graduating from Lambda, Alpha Tau, Beta Omicron, Beta Rho, Gamma Epsilon, Gamma Eta, Gamma Nu and Delta Beta Chapters


E = Eastern, MW = Midwest, SC = Southcentral, SE = Southeastern, W = Western


Please contact the GVPAA, the Assistant GVPAA, the PDAR or the RDAAs if you would like to learn more about joining an existing alumni chapter or starting a new one.