August 1-5, 2023
The Westin Galleria Houston
5060 West Alabama
Houston, Texas 77056
Host Chapter: Alpha Tau
Facebook:Phi Delta Chi Grand Council 2023
Download our Grand Council app, available for iOS or Android!
Thank you!
The success of the 74th Grand Council depends, in large part, on the participation and support of our corporate sponsors and our Alumni. Sponsorship opportunities are available when registering or visit our donations page. All sponsors will be recognized on our website and at the event. Thank you in advance for your support!
Corporate Sponsors
Gold Level ($2500)
Pharmacy Leadership & Education Institute (PLEI)
Silver Level ($1500)
Bronze Level ($500)
Nimbus Healthcare
Alumni Sponsors
Alterum Level ($2000 or more)
Jo Bonasso (Alpha)
Thurston Level ($1000 - $1999)
Prescott Level ($500 - $999)
Nick Brogcinski (Alpha Theta)
Jeff Gross (Alpha Upsilon)
Edward Pickett (Alpha Delta) - Program Sponsor
Kenny Walkup (Alpha Upsilon), Jorwalk Management - Pin Sponsor
Hollenback Level ($250 - $499)
Dena Dillon (Alpha) - Banquet & Photography Sponsor
Jerry Fu (Omega)
John Grabenstein (Beta Gamma)
Brandon Sucher (Beta Rho) - Photography Sponsor
Doerr Level ($100 - $249)
Jeneane Acker (Alpha Omicron) - Banquet Sponsor
Andrea Bourque (Rho)
Bonnie Brown (Alpha Phi)
Laura Brown (Phi)
Matthew Chellino (Tau) - Banquet Sponsor
Ed Conway (Delta)
Ryan Costantino (Eta)
Bailey Eason (Tau)
Amelia Flynn (Alpha Gamma)
Bianca Glab (Alpha Nu) - Photography Sponsor
Robert Kazebee (Omicron)
Kevin Kratz (Alpha Tau) - Banquet Sponsor
Lindsay Kunkle (Beta Nu)
Ed Larimer (Alpha Psi) - Banquet Sponsor
Benjamin Le (Alpha Sigma) - Banquet Sponsor
Yancey Lockhart (Gamma Gamma) - Banquet & Lanyard Sponsor
Macary Marciniak (Alpha Gamma) - Banquet Sponsor
Jennifer Polyniak (Beta Upsilon)
Michael Posey (Alpha Iota) - Photography Sponsor
Jeff Prescott (Alpha Sigma) - Banquet Sponsor
Tyler Prickette (Delta) - Lanyard Sponsor
Ethan Rawl (Beta Chi) - Photography Sponsor
Matt Rosinski (Alpha Theta)
Dimitri Savva (Beta Alpha)
Larry Segars (Alpha Omega)
Zara Sivertsen (Alpha Zeta) - Lanyard Sponsor
Grant Stimes (Psi) - Lanyard Sponsor
Traci Thompson (Lambda) - Banquet Sponsor
Jason Varin (Theta)
Ronald Ward Jr. (Alpha Upsilon)
Jason Zucha (Beta Omicron) - Banquet & Lanyard Sponsor
Rowland Level ($50 - $99)
Dorothy Arner (Gamma Pi)
Kevin Bozymski (Alpha Phi)
Kathryn Grafel (Phi)
Julie Green (Beta Sigma)
Kirk Hevener (Omega)
Alicia Hobbs (Omega)
David Hobbs (Omega)
Emery Johnson (Eta)
Beth Schimel (Delta)
Franke Level (up to $50)
Jessica Karlson (Alpha Sigma)
JJ Lee (Alpha Iota)
Kenneth Stewart (Omega)
This event is hosted by the Phi Delta Chi Pharmacy Fraternity
Welcome to the 74th Grand Council! Pick up your name tag and registration materials here. Delegates must check in and confirm their contact information. Pin sponsor: Kenny Walkup (Alpha Upsilon), Jorwalk Management. Lanyard sponsors: Yancey Lockhart (Gamma Gamma), Tyler Prickette (Delta), Zara Sivertsen (Alpha Zeta), Grant Stimes (Psi), and Jason Zucha (Beta Omicron).
Join us in meeting new friends and reconnecting with old friends at our welcome reception and ice cream social! There will be a cash bar at this event.
Did you miss registration yesterday? You can pick up your registration materials prior to the Opening Business Session. Delegates should grab their name tag and go straight to the Delegate Breakfast. Pin sponsor: Kenny Walkup (Alpha Upsilon), Jorwalk Management. Lanyard sponsors: Yancey Lockhart (Gamma Gamma), Tyler Prickette (Delta), Zara Sivertsen (Alpha Zeta), Grant Stimes (Psi), and Jason Zucha (Beta Omicron).
All Delegates are required to attend this session. Grab your breakfast in the Galleria Foyer and take it into Galleria I (where our business sessions are held). During breakfast we will provide training on proper procedures of the business sessions, Robert’s Rules of Order basics, and how to vote using ElectionBuddy. This is our only chance to test the voting software before the Opening Business Session, so please arrive on time. Alternate Delegates should only attend if their primary delegate is not available.
The Executive Council will meet in this room throughout the week.
We will begin conducting business at the Opening Business Session. First roll call will be taken, the Grand President will report on the state of the Fraternity, the Executive Director will report on our financial status, Collegiate Affairs will present their recommendations, and Organizational Affairs will present their recommendations. Business attire.
PDC National Office staff can be found throughout the week in San Felipe. Stop by with questions, lost & found, to pick up your name tag, etc.
Each candidate for Grand Officer will state their plans for the position they are seeking as well as undergo Q&A from the audience.
According to data from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, nearly 1 in 10 US adults have experienced at least 1 major depressive episode. While effective treatments exist in the form of evidence-based psychotherapy and antidepressants, they are limited by access and a lack of novel mechanisms of action, respectively. The purpose of this knowledge-based activity is to review the medications recently approved by the Food and Drug Administration for major depressive disorder and discuss their differences from existing treatment options.
This activity is intended to increase pharmacy personnel's familiarity with pediatric adherence and counseling.
This is a concise review of the evaluation and treatment of common etiologies for thrombocytopenia. This presentation will provide participants with an understanding of the complex roles and life cycle of platelets, along with the spectrum of clinical factors that can affect platelet function and physiology.
All Brothers are encouraged to attend this session. We'll take you on a tour of GreekTrack and highlight the most useful features. Learn how to manage membership, finances, events, communications, and more! Includes Q&A at the end.
Review recent USP regulatory updates, considerations from FDA guidance documents, and strategies for ensuring safety and quality with each compounded medication. Walk away with a better understanding of the changes impacting your pharmacy's compounding practice so you can ensure compliance with changes on the horizon.
Regional Caucuses are casual and run by the Regional Officers. Regional Correspondents are elected, announcements and decisions regarding Regional Meetings are discussed, regional awards may be given out, and Chapter Interviews will be held. Regions may use this time to discuss policies to be voted on during the formal business meetings. Regional Caucuses also provide an opportunity for candidates running for national office to visit each region, allowing Brothers to ask more questions of the candidates. Regions will meet in the following rooms: Great Lakes-Galleria I, Mid-Atlantic-Galleria II, Midwest-Sage, Mountain-Galleria III, Northeast-Post Oak, Pacific-Tanglewood, Southcentral-Bellaire, Southeast-Westchester
In 2022, the U.S. Food & Drug Administration approved 38 new chemical entities (NCE's) for marketing. Excluding biological agents (monoclonal antibodies, enzymes, peptides), radiological agents, and imaging contrast agents, 10 small molecule NCE's were approved. The purpose of this knowledge-based activity is to review the chemistry and pharmacology of these agents with a focus on their indication & dosage, pharmacokinetics, adverse effects, contraindications, drug interactions, and other patient counseling information for the pharmacy practitioner.
The Collegiate Affairs reference committee will discuss 2023-02-01 Expulsion Amendment and 2023-02-02 Coeducational DEI Constitutional Amendment. Non-committee members are welcome, but may not participate in the discussion.
The Organizational Affairs reference committee will discuss 2023-01-01 National Alumni Dues Constitutional Amendment, 2023-01-02 National Dues Adjustment, GPP Addition, 2023-01-03 Collegiate Dues Increase, and 2023-01-04 Alumni Dues Increase. Non-committee members are welcome, but may not participate in the discussion.
Nominations Committee members only.
We are not discussing any official alumni topics this year. Join GVPAA Grant Stimes for an informal alumni roundtable.
Chapters can find their assigned table and begin setting up.
Each chapter will have a table to exhibit items, artifacts, or whatever the chapter would like to display. This is a time for chapters to share ideas and items. Chapters may sell t-shirts, mugs, key chains, etc. (if local laws permit).
PDC National Office staff can be found throughout the week in San Felipe. Stop by with questions, lost & found, to pick up your name tag, etc.
The Executive Council will meet in this room throughout the week.
We will review fraternal structure, officer roles, fraternal resources, AAP, ChEQ Program, and national meetings. Our hope is that each Brother in attendance will gain key points to take home and implement at their Chapter to have a successful year.
Continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) systems, insulin pumps, and glucagon delivery devices are important technologies for diabetes management, but can be confusing for patients and healthcare providers alike. As new devices and updates become available, pharmacists play a crucial role in helping patients navigate these options and choose the best ones for their individual needs. This CE summary provides updates on the latest technologies, including the Dexcom G7, Abbott FreeStyle Libre 3, Tandem t:slim X2, Medtronic MiniMed 770G, glucagon nasal powder, and glucagon autoinjector, as well as the FDA's recent approvals for CGM use in insulin dosing decisions and interoperable insulin pumps. The aim of the CE is to help pharmacists understand how and when to best use these technologies to help and advocate for their patients.
This course will provide updates on the management of patients living with HIV, including preferred treatment options, 2-drug regimens, and essential counseling topics.
Regional Caucuses are casual and run by the Regional Officers. Regional Correspondents are elected, announcements and decisions regarding Regional Meetings are discussed, regional awards may be given out, and Chapter Interviews will be held. Regions may use this time to discuss policies to be voted on during the formal business meetings. Regional Caucuses also provide an opportunity for candidates running for national office to visit each region, allowing Brothers to ask more questions of the candidates. Regions will meet in the following rooms: Great Lakes-Galleria I, Mid-Atlantic-Galleria II, Midwest-Sage, Mountain-Galleria III, Northeast-Post Oak, Pacific-Tanglewood, Southcentral-Bellaire, Southeast-Westchester
This presentation will discuss the utility of using Entrustable Professional Activities to help learners meet CAPE outcomes and ASHP residency requirements. The audience will be empowered to use EPAs to strengthen their rotation experience and to ensure that learners meet their required outcomes.
The Collegiate Affairs reference committee will discuss 2023-02-01 Expulsion Amendment and 2023-02-02 Coeducational DEI Constitutional Amendment. Non-committee members are welcome, but may not participate in the discussion.
The Organizational Affairs reference committee will discuss 2023-01-01 National Alumni Dues Constitutional Amendment, 2023-01-02 National Dues Adjustment, GPP Addition, 2023-01-03 Collegiate Dues Increase, and 2023-01-04 Alumni Dues Increase. Non-committee members are welcome, but may not participate in the discussion.
Nominations Committee members only.
We are not discussing any official alumni topics this year. Join GVPAA Grant Stimes for an informal alumni roundtable.
Cultural wisdom is a critical skill for healthcare providers. LCDR Julia Olson will review some of the biases that exist in our healthcare system which reduce our ability to practice culturally responsive care.
PDC National Office staff can be found throughout the week in San Felipe. Stop by with questions, lost & found, to pick up your name tag, etc.
The Executive Council will meet in this room throughout the week.
Policies will be reviewed and voted on by Delegates. National Officers will be elected. Business casual attire.
This workshop will assist participants in identifying leadership traits among your Chapter Brothers, how to identify and utilize your Brothers who do not want a title but have the skills to lead, and understanding the importance of self-reflection. Our hope is that each Brother in attendance will gain key points to take home and implement at their chapter to have a successful year.
This introduction will equip leaders with the knowledge and skills to prevent team breakdowns and foster a high level of engagement and performance within their teams.
Participants will learn to comprehensively define their own identities and to more fully appreciate the complex identities of their patients.
Regional Caucuses are casual and run by the Regional Officers. Regional Correspondents are elected, announcements and decisions regarding Regional Meetings are discussed, regional awards may be given out, and Chapter Interviews will be held. Regions may use this time to discuss policies to be voted on during the formal business meetings. Regional Caucuses also provide an opportunity for candidates running for national office to visit each region, allowing Brothers to ask more questions of the candidates. Regions will meet in the following rooms: Great Lakes-Galleria I, Mid-Atlantic-Galleria II, Midwest-Sage, Mountain-Galleria III, Northeast-Post Oak, Pacific-Tanglewood, Southcentral-Bellaire, Southeast-Westchester
PLEI will be holding a fundraising auction full of professional development experiences, PDC memorabilia, and more. The auction is being held via a virtual auction website and bidding will close at 6:00 during our reception. Make sure to get your bids in early at PLEI supports our Brothers in Phi Delta Chi through the financial support of the Achievement Awards, Travel Scholarships & Grants, and with educational programming. PLEI is passionate about growing leaders for the profession of pharmacy. Your support of the auction will assist us in supporting Phi Delta Chi and help more leaders become better leaders.
Chapter Advisors are invited to join Grand Vice President for Collegiate Affairs Landon Weaver to network and reconnect over breakfast. Grab your breakfast in Woodway I and take it to Woodway II. Registration is not required.
PDC National Office staff can be found throughout the week in San Felipe. Stop by with questions, lost & found, to pick up your name tag, etc.
The Executive Council will meet in this room throughout the week.
This session will include the Memorial Service, Officer Installation, and the formal closing of Grand Council. Business attire.
We will discuss the important role of the Ritual and its significance in our fraternal lives. Our hope is that each Brother in attendance will gain key points to take home and implement at their chapter to have a successful year.
Homeopathic medicines have been defined as drugs in the US since 1938 and used since 1823. They can be found in all markets with many misconceptions still circulating about them, their efficacy and their safety. This presentation brings out facts, resources, and essential guidelines so pharmacists can assist their patients. This is a non-CE educational session.
This is a great opportunity for all alumni Brothers to network and reconnect with their Brothers. Grab your lunch in Woodway I and take it to Woodway II. Registration is not required.
Major depressive disorder (MDD) is a leading cause of disability in the United States. Antidepressants are a cornerstone of treatment, but treatment failure is common. Pharmacogenetics (PGx), or the influence of an individual’s genetics on medication outcomes, is one source of variability in antidepressant treatment. Several PGx variants are known to affect antidepressant pharmacokinetics and clinical outcomes. Recent studies show a modest but significant benefit of PGx testing for MDD. Despite this, PGx testing is rarely used in MDD. This is driven by several factors, including lack of provider confidence in using PGx, perceived lack of access to testing, and perceived high out-of-pocket cost. This knowledge-based activity will increase pharmacist understanding of how PGx affect antidepressants, increase confidence in applying this knowledge to clinical situations, and review real-world logistics of using PGx testing for MDD.
This presentation is designed to provide basic information on veterinary pharmacy practice. Anatomical differences, dosage considerations, legal requirements, resources, and training as they pertain to veterinary pharmacy are just a few of the topics that will be discussed. The session will be an overview of topics that a pharmacist needs to consider when dispensing veterinary prescriptions and a starting point for veterinary pharmacy practice.
This session is for the newly elected Grand Officers.
Do you still have questions about GreekTrack? Becky will be available to discuss all things GreekTrack.
Project LEARN (Leader Education and Resource Network) is a joint effort between ΦΔΧ and PLEI to create educational content around organizational leadership skills for chapter officers. This plan is still in development and this session is your opportunity to learn more, share what you feel the chapters and officers need, and help to shape the content.
Stop by and visit with Cameron! She can answer your questions about fundraising for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital.
Overview of diabetes guidelines and in-depth discussion on GLP-1 RA and SGLT2i with a look at two new novel agents (GLP-1 RA/GIP combo and SGLT2i/SGLT1i combo) and a discussion on the change in classification of insulin with a review of newer insulin therapies.
Pharmacy leaders generally rely on what they have learned and experienced “hand-on” about leadership throughout their careers. This often leads to behaviors that make obtaining results and profitability the highest priority which can often lead to increased employee stress and ultimately burnout and turnover. Leaders that prioritize compassionate and caring behaviors have been shown to build trust and influence, ultimately leading to decreased burnout and turnover as well as increased productivity and profitability. The purpose of this knowledge-based activity is to introduce and discuss the reasons why compassionate and caring leadership is essential to effective leadership and to share concepts and behaviors that can help develop individual leadership abilities.
This meeting is for the outgoing and newly elected Grand Officers and PLEI Board only.
Join us for this formal dinner event. We will celebrate the last year with awards and recognition of our students, alumni and volunteers. Tickets required. One ticket is included with full registration. Additional tickets can be purchased separately. Semiformal attire. Banquet Sponsors: Jeneane Acker (Alpha Omicron), Matthew Chellino (Tau), Dena Dillon (Alpha), Kevin Kratz (Alpha Tau), Ed Larimer (Alpha Psi), Benjamin Le (Alpha Sigma), Yancey Lockhart (Gamma Gamma), Macary Marciniak (Alpha Gamma), Jeff Prescott (Alpha Sigma), Traci Thompson (Lambda), and Jason Zucha (Beta Omicron).