2024 Mountain Regional Conference Feb 16-18, 2024
@ Sheraton Albuquerque Uptown, Louisiana Boulevard Northeast, Albuquerque, NM, USA

Register now!

February 16-18, 2024
Sheraton Albuquerque Uptown
2600 Louisiana Blvd NE
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87110

Host Chapter: Alpha Nu

Registration Fees:

  Collegiate Alumni Guest
Full Registration $165 $195 $195
Banquet Only $60 $60 $60
Mascot $25 $25  

Registration has been extended to February 8, 2024. Please contact by 2/2/2024 if you need to cancel your registration. Refunds will not be given after 2/2/2024.

Register your chapter's mascot and they will receive their own name tag and lanyard. Thank you for supporting our Ritual and Regalia Fund!


Room Rates:

Your hotel room is not included in the registration fee. Our group rate is $149/night + tax. This rate expires January 23 or earlier if our room block fills up. Please use this link to make your reservation. Complimentary on-site parking.



Albuquerque International Sunport (ABQ) is 8.9 miles from the hotel.


Host Chapter Contact:

Kayleen Tubbs


Meeting Justification Letter:

Need help getting time off? Download and customize the Collegiate Justification Letter to fit your situation and target audience.


Recommended Attire:

Friday Reception: Travel attire, chapter shirts
Saturday: Casual
Banquet: Semi-formal attire
Sunday: Business casual


Conference Materials:

Regional Conference documents should be downloaded before the meeting. You are responsible for having these with you, either by printing them yourself, or having them on your laptop, tablet, or other device. Paper copies will not be provided.


What to bring:

  • Chapter Constitution and Bylaws: digital or physical copy
  • Ritual Aprons: one for each Brother attending
  • Brother Pin: Everyone should bring their pin.
  • Mascot: if applicable
  • Regional Conference documents printed or downloaded to your device
  • Something to take notes on


Chapter Report:

Each chapter is required to submit a written summary to their Regional Director for Collegiate Affairs (RDCA) at least two weeks prior to the Regional Conference. The written report should be professionally written as it will be included in the official minutes of the Regional Conference. The report should answer questions from the 2024 Regional Conference Collegiate Chapter Self Evaluation document (Collegiate Chapters) and Regional Conference Alumni Chapter Report Questions (Alumni Chapters) . If you have questions about what to include in your report, please email your RDCA for clarification.

Required Format:


Regional Conference Etiquette:

Please remember that you are representing the ideals of our Grand Fraternity as well as your Brothers, College of Pharmacy, and fellow students back home.

  • Treat the hotel as if it were your own home. Noise that wakes others is unacceptable.
  • The leadership of the Fraternity will not tolerate violations of laws or Fraternity Policy, including the Risk Management Policy.
  • Please wear your name badge to each event.
  • When greeting Brothers whom you do not know, introduce yourself and be courteous and friendly as you would to any new acquaintance, as we all wish to build new bonds of Brotherhood. Due to the nature of our Brotherhood and our basis in Pharmacy, you probably already know more about the new Brothers you meet than you think!


Formal Meeting Rules:

For delegates to speak on an issue

  • Rise and address the Presiding Officer using the official symbol of recognition of Phi Delta Chi
  • Give your Name and Chapter
  • Obtain recognition from the Presiding Officer

A Brother may not speak a second time on the same issue if another Brother who has not yet spoken asks for the floor. No Brother may speak more than twice on the same issue, except by unanimous consent of the Regional Conference Delegation.

Discussions on questions (motions and resolutions) shall be limited to not more than five minutes for each speaker. Discussion on any one question shall be limited to not more than 30 minutes. Both time limits may be changed by appealing to the Presiding Office or by two-thirds vote of the Regional Conference Delegation present.

Discussion on issues may be tabled only upon a two-thirds vote of the Regional Conference Delegation present.


Albuquerque Area Meetings

In an effort to support those in need struggling with substance abuse, click here for meetings in the Albuquerque area.

This event is hosted by the Mountain Region of Phi Delta Chi